Markdown for the people in a hurry

Markdown for the people in a hurry


Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about Markdown. So let's get started.

You can think of Markdown as HTML Lite, or like a younger brother of HTML, or you can say it's HTML but easier. To be precise, it's a lightweight markup language. It is easier than HTML so that the people who don't code can also understand it easily. Let's find out what we can do with Markdown.

First, we need a Markdown file. You can name the file whatever you want, but the extension of the file should end with .md


In Markdown, we can start writing text normally as we would in text files. It will be interpreted as normal text in Markdown.

  • To make a word bold, we can do **bold**.
  • To make a word italic, we can do *italic* .
  • To strike a word, we can do ~~word~~.


There are 6 types of headings in Markdown, all varying in size of the text. Let's see each of them one by one.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Now let's see how each of them looks like,

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


There are 2 types of lists

Ordered list

  1. This is an
  2. Ordered list

The syntax is,

1. This is an
2. Ordered list

Unordered list

  • This is an
  • Unordered list

The syntax is,

- This is an
- Unordered list


to write code blocks inside Markdown, we can use three (`)

This is an code block

To make a code block,

This is an code block


To embed images in Markdown, we can use

![Text to show up if the image is not available](link of the text)





to link, we have a similar syntax as image



I hope this helped you with Markdown. Have a nice day!!

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